Just send me an e-mail: yosijimusic@gmail.com
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I will respond as quickly as possible.
Ego in the spiritual sense means: resisting WHAT IS. From ego – the state of not being in alignment with our Inner Being – we keep judging and creating separation in ourselves, thus unconsciously causing and perpetuating our own suffering.
Note that we all have an ego in a sense (the idea of an “I ” as a separate entity from “you”), but “an ego run rampart” is the real problem creating machine meant here. We incarnate being veiled”: we have (totally) forgotten who we really are and that has a purpose.
Lots of people who consider themselves as spiritual have adopted a new form of ego that is characterized by spiritual arrogance thus missing the point completely. Instead of realizing what we all are, they see themselves as special and above their fellow brothers and sisters.
You might also say: “Some people are so spiritual that they even have a spiritual ego.” (–:
“Knowledge is proud that it knows so much; wisdom is humble that it knows no more.” William Cowper
A spiritual ego run rampant might even lead to “spiritual paranoia”. Based on wild second-hand ideas (often unverifiable internet sources), it is claimed that there are dark forces at work in this world that want to manipulate and oppress us. This “special knowledge” that is not based on authentic, subjective experiences from Being (soul), but consists only of borrowed deviant ideas (mind), increases the spiritual ego even more. The people who do not go along with this are regarded as “sleeping”, while they are of course awake. In effect, they have built a matrix on top of the matrix of the human dimension and added an extra layer to the duality. This doesn’t strengthens the Reality of connectedness but the illusion of separation.
I experience this in meditation. Especially when I do the Neti-Neti Meditation, later presented by Mooji as The invitation.
Once in a deep meditative state, you will experience that your Essence is actually “empty”:
Am I a man, a woman or neither? What is my age? Am I my body? Try it out for yourself.
“… if we are spatially aware, we are free from identification with form, our ego, and then a sense of oneness manifests in us with the whole and with our source.” (Eckhart Tolle)
It is the direct experience of connectedness with the non-physical part of us or the entire multi-dimensional being that were truly are.
I see Enlightenment more and more as a state of awareness in the moment. Not as a constant state of being, which once it is reached, is for ever more. For me it is a state of being switched “on”: being aligned with your Inner Being and things flow, without resistance. In my opinion Masters are those who are predominantly in this state. Normally we are “veiled” which means that we’re shut off from all that we are: multi-dimensional beings.
Christian Sundberg is en pre-birth experiencer and a very down-to-earth guy.
He always points out that we are multi-dimensional beings: we all are!
More info: A Walk in the Physical
Jagadish “Jaggi” Vasudev (born 3 September 1957), is an Indian yoga guru and proponent of spirituality.
He has been teaching yoga in southern India since 1982. He is the author of several books and a frequent speaker at international forums.
Title: Mira Gestorum (mantra)
Features: Solfeggio tuning fork “mi” (528Hz): frequency for DNA repair Mantra “Mira gestorum” from hymn Ut queant laxis. Translation: “miracles”
Hypnotic due to constant repetition of accompanying motif (bass and percussion).
Melodic / motivic / form:
repeating accompanying motif with subtle structure with varied recurring melodic fragments, then winding down; one-part
relatively constant
New composition 2021
Title: Spirits of the Water
Features: 1. sounds of nature (water and birds) with sequencer motifs;
2. binaural beats (only active via headphones);
3.various female voices (subtle: solo and choir);
4. subliminal light language message (soul message) by Sara Jane
quasi song form with coda (A – A – B – A – B – C)
relatively constant (intro – subtle crescendo; end – subtle descrecendo)
N.B. Sara Jane, Jill Mattson I are working on our joint “water project”: this is my contribution.
New composition 2021
Advaita literally means “non-duality” or “not two”. Although the spiritual masters mentioned here sometimes use different approaches or terms, they all refer to the same Formless Reality of Oneness. The oldest source of Advaita Vedanta are the Upanishads. Over time I have taken a different view of the concept of duality. I used to see it as “something that had to be overcome”, now I see it merely as “contrast”. We need this contrast for our human experiences in this dimension. Living without judgment (in absolute terms) – and especially blaming yourself for making a so-called mistake – is key. We can abandon the idea that we are unworthy or that we have to prove something. “You can’t get it wrong and you never get it done.” (ABRAHAM-Hicks).
For me these are thoughts and impulses that feel good and are enlightening: inspiration and clear moments, something falls into place. By constantly being aware of my Inner Self – my thoughts and emotions – I experience that these emotions are also guidance. Do I feel relaxed or tense? Am I in or out of balance? I know that nothing is bad or wrong: I’m only experiencing duality. I then consciously focus on positive things. I regain balance. I am “in alignment” with my Inner Being. You may also call it God, the Source, Atman or the like. What’s in a name?
Contemporary American spiritual teacher who wrote the bestseller Be Here Now in 1971.
“As long as we have certain wishes about what it should be like, we cannot see what it is like.”
His journey ended in December 22nd 2019. He was 88 years old.
When you let go of your victim story you can re-claim your personal power in the Present moment. (Lorree Appleby)
Ramgiri’s HeartSourcing enables us to come to the exquisite enjoyment of a life lived with an open heart, through the simple but powerful practice of returning to the innermost heart again and again and systematically removing all the stressful thoughts and difficult emotions that block the love that is at the core of our being.
The sense ‘I am’ is the first born. It is not an object and it is not a belief. You cannot ‘believe’ in awareness. You can only ‘be’ awareness. Not to ‘be’ as an action taken, but as Truth revealed. (Sri Ramana Maharshi) Can you switch yourself off and not be? “To be or not to be, that is the question.” (William Shakespeare)
The pain body is the emotional part of the ego: a psychic parasite or entity that causes us to unconsciously seek pain for ourselves and others over and over again. By identifying with the pain body we become unconscious and “act out the pain” in whatever form, such as physical pain, anger, fear or depression. Breaking the identification with it, will eventually dissolve the pain body. Thus the pain body becomes our best ally for Awakening.
This moment is all there ever is; past and future only exist in our minds in the form of memories and projections. Offering resistance against this moment creates suffering and separation within ourselves.
Ego in spirituele zin betekent: weerstand tegen WAT IS. Vanuit ego – de staat van niet afgestemd zijn op ons Innerlijk Wezen – blijven we oordelen en creëren we verdeeldheid in onszelf, zodoende veroorzaken en bestendigen we onbewust ons eigen lijden.
Inaudible messages that are energetically active, bypass our thinking and appeal to our True Nature.
It is!
You are the physical manifestation of your Inner Being, God, the Self, the Absolute, Tao, Atman, Allah or whatever name you prefer. There is no greater teacher or guru than your own Inner Wisdom; no outer teacher can ultimately fulfill this role. Nothing beats attunement to your Inner Being.
An invisible entity channeled by Jeffrey Eisen.
Contemporary American spiritual teacher who discovered Inner Guidance that helped him make decisions in all areas of his life. His path has led him to write inspiring books and give lectures and workshops worldwide.
Abraham consists of a group of entities that are interpreted by Esther Hicks. Abraham described himself as “a group consciousness of the non-physical dimension”. They also said, “We are what you are.”
German-born spiritual teacher, yogi and psychologist who has been apprenticed to some of the greatest teachers of our time.
He has developed HeartSourcing Yoga,
a contemporary road to Enlightenment and the end of our suffering through the irresistible power of the (spiritual) Heart.
He also worked with the pain body (Eckhart Tolle) and with The Work by Byron Katie.
His human journey ended in July 2018.
Contemporary American spiritual teacher who devotes himself entirely to the Awakening of all beings. His teachings are an open invitation to stand still, to explore and to recognize what is in essence
of our existence is true and liberating.
Also known as Bhagwan (Shree Rajneesh). Indian spiritual teacher who saw the potential Buddha in every being. The ego creates needs that are contrary to our True Nature and repeats past patterns that keep us from living in the moment.
According to Osho, Bliss is our birthright.
Indian spiritual teacher who focused on the Pure Consciousness of the universal and impersonal Self by rejecting identification with the world, body, personality, or mind. His approach (analysis of denial) was rooted in Jnana Yoga and Advaita Vedanta: neti neti, meaning “not this, not this.”
Indian spiritual teacher recognized worldwide as one of the most important gurus of modern times. Sri Ramana recommends self-investigation as the crucial way for awakening the “I-I”, realizing the Self, and achieving liberation.
Contemporary American spiritual teacher who developed The Work: a set of questions for self-examination. Every thought we believe determines how we experience our life. Instead of unconsciously and automatically believing every thought, we can investigate whether it is true.
Jamaica-born spiritual teacher who has been giving satsangs around the world since 1999. His method of self-examination leads the seeker to the “I am”: the Formless Consciousness that we are. He is a student of advaita master Sri Harilal Poonja, better known as Papaji, who was a student of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
German-born spiritual teacher who emphasizes that “the voice-in-the-head,” the mentally-created ego identity, always wants to flee the present moment in the hope of finding itself in the future. By being “present”, we can observe our thoughts and emotions and stop identifying with this false self-feeling. In this way we can discover our True, Formless Nature. He is known for his unique and very useful approach to what he calls “dealing with the pain body”.
Title: The Perfection of this Moment
Melodic / motivic / form: repeating accompanying motif with subtle construction to more melodic fragments, then reduction of motif and broad melodies; (quasi) three-part
Dynamic: subtle decrescendo.
New composition 2019
Title: Awareness
Melodic / motivic / form: repeating sequence with melodic motif + coda; two-part
Dynamic: subtle decrescendo + short crescendo + subtle decrescendo
Music track of Body Awareness 2018
Title: Recognizing
Melodic / motivic / form: drone (bourdon) with melodic fragments + mantra; one-piece
Dynamic: relatively constant
Mantra: Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi, svaha! (‘gone, gone, gone, totally gone, awake, salvation!’)
New composition 2019
Title: Stillness in the Sounds
Melodic / motivic / form: drone (bourdon) with flute motifs, singing bowls and cymbals; two-part
Dynamic: relatively constant + subtle decrescendo
New composition 2019
Title: Awakening to your True Nature
Melodic / motivic / form: repeating theme 1 with variations + developed theme 2 + repeating theme 3 with variations; three-part
Dynamic: relatively dynamic with subtle crescendos and descrecendos
Based on “First Signs of Awakening”, “Your True Nature” and “Remain as You Are” from Unveiling The Self.
Operation 2019
Title: Stillness in the Sounds
Melodic / motivic / form: drone (bourdon) with flute motifs, singing bowls and cymbals; two-part
Dynamic: relatively constant + subtle decrescendo
New composition 2019