Guided Meditations on YouTube & Facebook

1. Body Awareness. This meditation is available in 7 languages.
Click here.

Lorree Appleby

There are 3 different versions of this meditation available on YouTube & Facebook.
The audio-only versions of this chakra meditation can also be found on BANDCAMP: Chakra Healing.
Purely instrumental and guided meditation.

2. COMPLETE VERSION – Releasing Pain & Suffering
60 minutes – part 1, 2, 3 and 4
Most extensive version. In part 2 (Releasing) of this version the unconscious mechanisms that sustain our suffering are explained. I believe that this version is very suitable for group meditations as it is the most instructive one.

3. ABBREVIATED VERSION #2 – Relax & Align
18 minutes – part 1 and 4
The Body Awareness Meditation is immediately followed by the Chakra Meditation.

4. ABBREVIATED VERSION #3 – Chakra Meditation
35 minutes – part 3 and 4

If you have any requests, questions or suggestions, you can always contact me. Would you like to record this meditation yourself, we could deliberate how we can do this so that a win-win situation arises.

The different parts of this meditation are:
1. Body Awareness: It is important to get out of the head and into the body first. This state of awareness is also called presence or the receptive mode. From this state of relaxed openness we go to the next step.
2. Releasing: You will consciously allow and experience pain in whatever form. You’ll recognize the automatic reactions of fight or flight, in which the pain body is unconsciously fed. From this state of conscious allowance, you will tune into higher vibrations.
3. Chakra Meditation: Each chakra is experienced and purified.
Thus, your vibration is constantly increasing.
4. Conclusion: Now that you are fully present and in a state of high vibration, positive thoughts can find their way in easily and unfiltered. Your old, conditioned beliefs, have less and less grip on you and give way to positivity, joy and unconditional love.

After years of research, refining the text and figuring out the correct form (footage and music), this extensive meditation is finally finished. It all started with the concept of the pain body, as coined by Eckhart Tolle. I wanted to develop a tool for conscious and active transmutation, without making it a mental exercise. After all, the pain body is an unconscious mechanism: a mental, emotional, energetic “entity”.
For more information about the pain body, you can click here.
Or you can watch this video.

My definition of Radical Living is not accepting traditional ways of thinking and creating my life with intended purpose, passion and faith.

I met Lorree Appleby through my Canadian friend Jeffrey Eisen and we immediately felt a strong connection. Since I was looking for a suitable voice for this meditation, I suggested working together. No sooner said than done. I’m sure you’ll love her warm and loving voice.
We hope that many people will be touched by this meditation(s) and we have plenty
of ideas for new projects.
For more information about Lorree you can visit her website:
You might also check out the Radical Forgiveness-page (Friends & Collaboration).

I am a seeker, a dreamer, somebody who believes in synchronicities and the magic of life, who believes that there is always a reason, for each meeting, for each new step toward the realization of our goals, always with a grateful heart.

When I published my Body Awareness Meditation, I received a response from Denmark:
it was Ylenia. She suggested to create an Italian version of this meditation as well and so we did:
Consapevolezza del Corpo.
For more information about Ylenia you can visit her website: